Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Epidemic of Childhood Obesity - 2154 Words

Introduction Childhood obesity is an epidemic that goes on throughout the United States. Studies have shown how obesity in children may start, and how it affects each and every child in America. Childhood obesity has been getting attention in the media from famous celebrities all the way to the First Lady of the United States. There are many things that cause childhood obesity and very few ways to stop it. However, there are people out there who are trying to help by getting children active, eating healthy and getting back on track to having a healthy and long life. Background Childhood obesity has been a growing problem in the United States. Reports beginning in 1960 there were few being recorded, because of that childhood obesity was not a problem in the beginning stages. Since then numbers of obesity in children has increased over 20 percent throughout the years. Beginning in the early 2000’s is when childhood obesity became the epidemic it once was, millions of fast food restaurants were being built all over across America. Also, children started becoming less active and becoming more involved with technology. However, because of childhood obesity becoming a problem it has caught the attention of the First Lady Michelle Obama and she has made it a goal to help children in America get in shape, be active, and join her â€Å"Let’s Move† campaign. Because Michelle Obama started the campaign, it started to get attention in the media and from celebrities who wanted to join onShow MoreRelatedObesity : Childhood Obesity Epidemic1418 Word s   |  6 Pageshis article â€Å"There is no Childhood Obesity Epidemic† discussed the there is a â€Å"stunning† drop in childhood obesity rate. He claims that obesity rates among two to five year olds have plunged over the past decade, and that the so called â€Å"obesity epidemic† had ended. I strongly disagree with Campos view that there is no childhood obesity epidemic, this is due to the researches that was done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which shows that childhood obesity has more than doubled inRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Childhood Obesity1216 Words   |  5 Pagesintervening in order to combat the epidemic of childhood obesity claim that, â€Å"parents who strive to keep their kids healthy may not have all the tools they need to do so† (â€Å"Childhood Obesity.† Issues Controversies). Therefore supporters agree that the government â€Å"should step in and enable parents to do the best job they can† (â€Å"C hildhood Obesity.† Issues Controversies). Joe Thompson, â€Å"director of the Rober Wood Foundation Center to prevent Childhood Obesity† claims that not all parents are ableRead MoreChildhood Obesity : An Epidemic876 Words   |  4 PagesChildhood Obesity Childhood obesity is more than a major issue in the United States: it is an epidemic. The number of overweight and obese children in America has increased at an alarming rate over the past years. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years [1]. American Heart Association stated, â€Å"Today one in three American kids and teens are overweight or obese; nearly triple theRead MoreChildhood Obesity : An Epidemic834 Words   |  4 PagesIn the United States, childhood obesity is an epidemic and in the past 30 years, childhood obesity have had nearly tripled. There are 31 % of American children and adolescents are either overweight or obese. And according to the numbers, more than 23 million of American children are either overweight or obese and more than 12 million are obese (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2013). The complications of obesity in the childhood period are broad, those include but limited to: hypertensionRead MoreChildhood Obesity : An Epidemic1036 Words   |  5 PagesRainsu Kumbhani All About Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is an epidemic in U.S. In the year of 2012, about â€Å"one third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese.† Also, percentages of childhood obesity have increased by over ten percent in the last thirty years in children and adolescents (Childhood Obesity Facts 2015). These statistics are shocking, and many people are concerned for the health of their children. This medical condition, as defined by Mayo Clinic, leads to seriousRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Childhood Obesity Essay1053 Words   |  5 PagesThe Epidemic of Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity continues to increase substantially each generation, especially here in the United States. Today, children have become more lazy while eating unhealthy and in excess. This trend ultimately results in increased healthcare problems throughout their life. Childhood obesity has increased because children eat in excess, they are allowed to eat food which is unhealthy, they lack the exercise needed to maintain a healthy weight, and are permittedRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Childhood Obesity3013 Words   |  13 Pages The epidemic of childhood obesity Childhood obesity is an important issue because of this diseases impact over the past few years. With the changing of lifestyles, the production of children who are not as healthy as they should be has increased. Due to these results, a widespread of children being obese has occurred. The Center for Disease Control, CDC, distinguishes between being overweight and being obese. Overweight simply means that the weight is high compared to others in the same height categoryRead MoreChildhood Obesity : An Epidemic Essay1641 Words   |  7 PagesChildhood obesity is an epidemic in America. Many experts like doctors and dietitians have narrowed the epidemic to a few causes some being lack of exercise, genetics, and food insecurity. Exercise and genetics could lead to obesity in the way that you need exercise to burn fat and some people are genetically more inclined to store more fat. Obesity is having excessive amount of fat that could lead to other health problem which is scary to think that childhood obesity is something that is on theRea d MoreChildhood Obesity : An Epidemic Essay1954 Words   |  8 PagesChildhood obesity is not merely an issue in the United States- it is an epidemic. The number of overweight and obese children in America has increased at an alarming rate over the past years, and there is no chance of it slowing down unless action is taken. Obesity puts children at a high risk of developing many serious illnesses. Not only do children who are obese have unhealthy weights, but they also have a high risk of having weak lungs, poor blood quality, and a variety of other sicknesses. ParentsRead MoreChildhood Obesity Is An Epidemic878 Words   |  4 PagesChildhood obesity is an epidemic that has been spreading around the United States like a wild fire in a dry field, increasing more and more without much resistance to stop it from spreading. The SPARK PE program was created in 1989, and aims to be that resistance against childhood obesity, with carefully planned programs in hopes of showing the youth s of America that exercise and proper nutrition can lead to a successful, healthy life (SPARK). SPARK aims at achieving this goal by carefully planning

Monday, December 16, 2019

Why Do Chemists Classify Matter Free Essays

Why do chemists classify matter? Well classifying matter is very important in chemisty. See chemists want to know what things are made of and what type of things they are. They also like to mix different things together. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Do Chemists Classify Matter or any similar topic only for you Order Now So they need to know what two or more peices of matter don’t like to be created. If they didn’t know what kinds of matter don’t mix well, it could be very dangerous. Classifying matter isn’t very hard it is actually quite simple. I’m going to refer to the classification pyrimid. This is how the pyrimid is set up. At the top it has materials or matter. Then to the lower left and right it has homogeneous matterials and heterogeneous matterials. Below the heterogeneous materials it just classifies as an heterogeneous mixture due to it has more than one piece of matter in the material. Now under homogeneous material you have a choice it’s either a pure substance which is ususally solid, or a homogeneous mixture (solution). Usually solutions end in ite, ate, ide, etc. A pure substance is usually solid. Under that it is then classified as an element or a compound. How do you know if it’s an element? Well look at the periodic table of elements if its on there then it’s an element. How do you know if its a compound? Well a compound is made up of two or more elements. So look at the name for example NH3 then it is a compound because it has a nitrogen molecule and 3 hydrogen molecules. Science changes everyday and without our current knowledge of the elements and classifing matter then who knows where we’d be. How to cite Why Do Chemists Classify Matter, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Role of Subjective and Objective Importance †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Role of Subjective and Objective Importance. Answer: Introduction: In the 21st century people have access to large amount of information everyday and retaining useful information has become one major problem. When there is lots of information one has to be selective and the priority of the collected information should be set so that the important and useful information can be recalled when required (Friedman, McGillivray, Murayama, Castel, 2015). Memory plays an important role in storing the information and recalling later. Some of the scholars have compared the human memory with the computer system also which is known as the information processing model. In this process there are three steps through which the information goes namely the encoding, storage and retrieval. Memory is mainly related to the third stage i.e retrieval (Benjamin, 2012; Friedman et al., 2015). Since memory plays an important role not only for the students but also in every stage of human life the current research has been conducted to find the conditions where the memory is better. In other words the current research is aimed to answer following research question: In what condition people have better memory? Does physical exercise, drinking habit, IQ level have significant impact on memory? To answer these research questions the repeated measure techniques has been used. The repeated measure techniques were developed to study the difference in the same participant over the period of time. In other words, as the name suggests the repeated measure is used when the data is collected from the same respondents in different time period. It analyze whether there is significant difference in different time period(Field, 2011). The main advantage of using repeated measure technique is that it allows the researcher to record the change in an individual over the period of time, which is not possible in the cross sectional studies. In cross sectional records are collected at only point of time. Apart from that the repeated measure method is better statistical tool to detect the change over the period of time with less cost(Guo, Logan, Glueck, Muller, 2013). Previous scholars have also used repeated measure tool in their study. A study by (Cleophas, Zwinderman, Ouwerkerk, 2009) use the repeated measure technique to analyze the cardionvascular. Authors used paired t-test , Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measure to analyze the collected data. Another study by (Singh, Rana, Singhal, 2013) used the repeated measure technique for analyzing the clinical trials data. The data was collected in two different time period and repeated time ANOVA analysis was used to get the results as the simple ANOVA is not appropriate for the data with repeated measure. Similarly (Kim, 2015) used the one way ANOVA in repeated measure technique to find the impact of some particular treatment under clinical trials. So this shows that the repeated measure technique is popular in medical research, however latterly it has been used in social science research also. Data collection and sample size The current research is aimed to find the condition where the individual has better memory. For the analysis purpose primary data was collected among 100 individuals in four different time period. So the total number of observation is 2500. The close ended questionnaire was used to collect the data and respondents were chosen randomly. In case of random sampling each and every element in the data set has equal probably of being selected in the sample and the random sampling is considered to be the better sampling techniques as compared to the non-random sampling for repeated measure analysis. Prior collecting the final data, a pilot study was conducted among 25 respondents and the reliability was tested. The results from the reliability showed satisfactory results, after that the final survey was conducted. Same respondents were taken into survey in four different time period. Since the repeated measure techniques has been identified as the best technique to use for such analysis the data was collected accordingly. In terms of demographic profile, all the respondents were in the age group of 25 to 45. This is because the individual in the younger age and older age may not take the memory test properly. Also the responses have minimum level of education and they are able to read and understand the questions included in the questionnaire (Shukla Kumar, 2012). For the current research different factors were taken into consideration. The list of the variables included in the current study is as follows: Happy memories it takes the value 1 if applicable to the individual and 0 if not applicable on the individual Listen music It takes the value 1 if the respondents listen to music and 0 if the respondents do not listen to music Outside running It takes the value 1 if the respondents go for running outside and 0 if the respondents do not go for running. Drink red wine It takes the value 1 if the respondent drinks red wine and 0 if the respondents do not drink red wine IQ It is the IQ score of the respondent. Data analysis procedure For the analysis purpose the repeated measure ANOVA analysis was performed. First the primary data was imported in R from the excel sheet using the read.csv command in R. The one row per observation method was followed to import the data into long form. The wide is more appropriate if there is large number of variables and less observations. Prior conducting the ANOVA the conditional means was extracted for every individual and each combination of factors used in the study. After the conditional mean the repeated measure ANOVA was performed to see whether the respondents have better memory after taking consideration different factor such as the running, listening music, drinking red wine and IQ score. If the memory improve over the period of time it can be concluded that the factors have significant on the memory improving. Results from the analysis are discussed in the next section. The main aim of the current research is to find the impact of the various factors on better memory. With the help of repeated measure technique it was identified where the person have better memory. Two way ANOVA was used to find whether there is significant impact on the memory, before and after some activity. Results from the descriptive analysis show that the except for the IQ score all the other variable are categorical variables. In fact all the variables are binary, which takes only the value 0 or 1. In case of IQ test which is the only continuous variable in the data set shows that the average IQ score of the respondents included in the sample is 68.63. The minimum score is 57. 59 whereas the maximum IQ score is 79.67. This indicates that the data is normally distributed as most of the observations are near the mean value. Repeated measures using tow way ANOVA Results from the repeated measure ANOVA is shown in the tables below. Impact of the each factors and their interaction is shown separately. Since the data was collected for the different time period it is important to include the error term in the analysis which will take into consideration the natural variation from one respondents to another participants. For the current research the repeated measure ANOVA was used for the analysis and the results shows that running outside, while listening to music show significant impact on the memory. It has been shown in the previous research also that exercise has significant on memory; the results from current study are in line with the previous one. Running helps to concentrate which may be reason that running has significant impact to have better memory. With increase in concentration individuals are able to retain the important information and recall when required. Apart from the repeated measure ANOVA one can also use the logistic regression to see the impact of different factors on memory. Some of the previous researchers have used logistic regression analysis for same purpose and got similar results. So, one can used either logistic regression or repeated measure ANOVA for the data collected in different time period. One problem with the repeated measure is when the error model comes out to be singular. There are different methods to overcome singular problem which can be further explored. Similarly further research can be conducted taking into consideration some other factors which can lead to better memory. Similarly one can perform both the logistic regression and repeated measure techniques for the same data set and compare the results. References Benjamin, A. S. (2012). Factors influencing learning. Illinois. Cleophas, T. J., Zwinderman, A. H., Ouwerkerk, B. M. van. (2009). Methods for analysing cardiovascular studies with repeated measures. NCBI, 17(11). Field, A. (2011). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS (3rd ed.). California: SAGE Publication. Friedman, M. C., McGillivray, S., Murayama, K., Castel, A. D. (2015). Memory for Medication Side Effects in Younger and Older Adults: The Role of Subjective and Objective Importance. California. Guo, Y., Logan, H. L., Glueck, D. H., Muller, K. E. (2013). Selecting a sample size for studies with repeated measures. NCBI, 13(3). Kim, H.-Y. (2015). Statistical notes for clinical researchers: A one-way repeated measures ANOVA for data with repeated observations. Restorative Dentistry Endodontics, 40(1). Shukla, G., Kumar, V. (2012). Different Methods Of Analyzing Multiple Samples Repeated Measures Data. Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, 5(1), 8393. Singh, V., Rana, R. K., Singhal, R. (2013). Analysis of repeated measurement data in the clinical trials. NCBI, 4(2).

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Rene Descates and John Locke free essay sample

John Locke were both philosophers of the 17th century. Descartes was a rationalist in the way that he thought and wrote about. A rationalist used reasoning to gain knowledge. John Locke on the other hand, was an empiricist in the way he philosophized and taught. An empiricist used senses and experiences. These philosophers, being a rationalist and empiricist, were very different in the way they saw life and knowledge, but they had some similarities as well in the way that they thought.Being of two different groups of philosophers, the rationalists and empiricists, John Locke and Rene Descartes were very different in the beliefs they had; however, as different as they may be there were some similarities that were shared by both of these seventeenth century philosophers. First and most importantly, the biggest similarity that they shared was the fact that they were not skeptics. In other words, they both believed knowledge can be gained by humans. We will write a custom essay sample on Rene Descates and John Locke or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In addition, both of them separated the mind and the body to be two different things or concepts of a living being.For Descartes, mind was for thinking and reasoning and body was just matter or substance. For Locke mind was used for reflection or self-examination of oneself and the body was used for getting knowledge through its senses. For example, Locke says â€Å"it is past doubt that men have in their minds several ideas. † This is an example of how he says and believes the mind works in a human being and gives those ideas which are ultimately reflections. Descartes when he begins to write first states that he is going to doubt everything and then search for the truth. He first establishes himself. He writes â€Å"†¦I could imagine I had no body, and that there was no world nor or any place that I occupied, but that I could not imagine for a moment that I did not exist. † This is where he starts to identify his self. He goes on to say the very well-known phrase â€Å"I think therefore I am. † This is the first truth he presents. He pretty much says that he exists. Then he goes on to identify other truths that he finds. He ultimately finds the biggest truth and says that there is a God that exists. He says the God is almighty, all knowing and perfect in every way.Upon stating the existence of God he says that everything we and do are true. In his writing, he states this when he says â€Å"†¦that all those things which we conceived very clearly and very distinctly are true, is known to be true only because God exists†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and he goes on to say that this is true because everything we have comes from God and that he cannot be wrong. The reason as to why Descartes writes this is to get people to understand one thing. That people are a thinking substance and that because we are thinking we have the ability to reason.He says that â€Å"†¦we should never allow ourselves to be convinced except on the evidence of our reason. † This is how Descartes views self; it is a living substance that has the ability to reason and think and therefore it should. John Locke’s first words on his paper Of Ideas in general, and their Original is â€Å"Idea is the object of thinking. † This statement is a perfect way to summarize what Locke believes. Locke in his writing writes about how all ideas then come from experience. He then goes on to describe that there are two ways of achieving experience.One of them is reflection or self-examination and the other is through your senses. Locke uses these two concepts of experience to ultimately describe what he feels self is. He understands self not to be a reasoning body, but a blank paper. In other words, people are not born knowing anything. They acquire knowledge through the experiences that they go through in life. For example, a person when born does not know that fire is hot, but if he tries to touch it and gets burned he will have learned that it is hot. This is one example of how Locke sees people molding themselves to be who they are.He says â€Å"Men are differently furnished with these, according to the different objects they converse with. † This essentially summarizes the meaning of the fire example. In addition, he writes â€Å"These, when we have taken a full survey of them, and their several modes, combinations, and relations†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He implies that our minds start to take these experiences and make them into ideas and then combine ideas to make bigger ideas and so on. All in all, John Locke regards the self to be born and be like a blank piece of paper and when grown he expects it to be a byproduct of its experiences.In fine, both of these writers had similarities even though they were part of two very different groups of philosophers. They had similarities such as, the fact that they were skeptics and that they separated the mind and body and these were the places where they found the most disagreement. In other words, they both believed knowledge was attainable but disagreed how and they both believed mind and body were different, but had different duties for them. Both these writers, even though they are very different, have made huge impacts in the field of philosophy and in life in general.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

8 Striking Ideas to Get out of Professional Essay Samples

8 Striking Ideas to Get out of Professional Essay Samples 8 Striking Ideas to Get out of Professional Essay Samples Many students struggle with writing essays. Some have not received quality instruction in the process of essay writing, or they may be too overwhelmed with the demands of day-to-day life to be able to focus on creating quality essays. Professional essay samples can be an invaluable tool if you find yourself really stuck. As long as you choose a good writing service, a sample can be instrumental in moving you quickly from staring blankly at your computer screen to creation of a real masterpiece. Here are the ways how a professional essay sample can help you with the writing process. 1. Choosing a Topic Are you completely stuck on trying to come up with the right topic for your paper? This initial step can feel daunting and often prevents the most well-intentioned students from even starting. But a sample essay can point you to the right direction and make you think about some great possibilities. It can even help you with that other daunting initial task coming up with a thesis statement. 2. Writing a Strong Opening The first impression is quite powerful. That’s why any expert will tell you that the most important part of any piece of writing is the first paragraph. The opening is the place where you either capture the reader’s attention or completely lose it. How does the professional sample essay begin? Does it have a strong hook that gets the reader’s attention? Does it state the purpose of the essay clearly so that the reader feels that it has a clear direction? Use these tactics while constructing your own first paragraph. 3. Organization Well-written essays have a logical flow and they are organized in a clear manner, with several main ideas and relevant supporting details for each of these. Imagine how an outline would look like for this sample essay, and use it while creating your own outline. 4. Sources Research can often be the most challenging aspect of the writing process. It’s difficult to know where to find reliable sources that can be used to support your thesis statement. The sources cited in your sample essay can give you an idea of where to start. 5. Proper Citation It can be confusing to master various citation styles. Some instructors require APA, others MLA. These look very different. Reading the rules or hearing a description of them isn’t all that helpful. You need concrete examples to give you confidence that you cite sources for your own paper the right way. 6. Transitions It is an art to make smooth transitions in an essay. You need a few well-placed transition words and an effortless segue from one paragraph to the next one. Easier said than done, right? Follow the sample essay and you will see how easily you tackle this issue. 7. Word Choice Good writers always know the right words to evoke certain emotions in their readers. Take note of the strong words used in your professional essay sample and how they impact you as a reader. Use this to get some idea of the kind of language that will be especially strong and effective for your own essay. 8. Argumentation Skill A good writer can skillfully argue their position. What are the techniques that the professional essay writer use to persuade readers to his/her point-of-view? You can use some of these strategies to develop your own argument. So don’t waste any more time feeling stuck wondering what to write and how to write it. Trust a professional to guide you in the process and make it less painful and more inspiring.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Free sample - A vivid experience on explosion. translation missing

A vivid experience on explosion. A vivid experience on explosionThe December festive season is almost here with us again. This is the time where each and every shopping mall is a bee hive of activities. The last two days towards this big day are extremely busy. Majority of the people are found in the last minute rush moving from one stall to the next buying new clad and gifts for friends and family. Unfortunately, my mother and I were also finishing our selection on the last Sunday, a day before this wonderful day. A lot of people were in the supermarket. The parking was fully loaded. We were lucky enough to arrive early to find a place to park. Some minutes to noon we got into a jewelry stall when out of nowhere there was a big explosion. What struck my mind first was that an earthquake had ensued. I immediately started sweating trembling like a leave on cold weather. On looking back, I was met with people lying down swimming in blood. Women and children were screaming and pieces of glass were lying all over. Some people were running out of the shopping mall and the place resembled hell. Within a blink of an eye, the police arrived at the scene accompanied by two ambulances for offering first aid to the injured people. It then dawned on me that the explosion had been caused by a bomb which had been planted in one of the stall. After several questions from the police, we excused ourselves and left for home. Although my mother and I managed to escape unhurt, I could not help but to shed tears because we escaped narrowly. Later in the news that evening, it was confirmed that three people had lost their lives as a result of that explosion while a good number were still nursing injuries. It was a horrible experience. Since that day, the bloody images of injured people still occur in most of my dreams and I even sometimes scream late at night. This has affected me psychologically and I have been visiting a psychiatrist quite often to help me overcome this. My life was completely changed since that day although am trying very hard to get over this.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 31

Discussion - Essay Example This implied significant impacts on the practice as the board has regulatory powers (Minnesota, n.d.). This decision was therefore expected to influence prescription and filling as long as it did not conflict any other state or federal written law. At the centre of the debate, however, is the conscience legislation that accommodates religious beliefs in professions and that has been used to support pharmacists’ refusal to prescribe or fill drugs whose application is against their religious beliefs. This has further led legislative attempts to force pharmacists to prescribe and fill drugs at patients’ request. Pharmacists however still employ personnel who observe the conscience clause’s provisions together with their religious beliefs and the courts have not been active in resolving cases of refusal to prescribe or fill drugs (Bergquist, 2006). The subject therefore seems to be more actively regulated by the conscience clause and pharmacists’ ethical regard while regulatory agencies’ directives remain unenforced. Public health, in Minnesota and other states, is however a universal subject that should not be subject to sub societal beliefs. Relevant healthcare agencies in Minnesota should therefore formulate laws that obligate pharmacists to prescribe and fill drugs that promote public health

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Student Teaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Student Teaching - Essay Example An intensive reading intervention strategy involving decoding and fluency skills and based on the Phono-Graphix and Read Naturally program was applied to 27 students (Denton, 2006). A 16-week intervention â€Å"resulted in significant improvement in reading, decoding, fluency, and comprehension† (ibid). Students with special needs also respond well to reading interventions. The effectiveness of a supplemental tutoring intervention by the name of Read Well was evaluated on children with learning disabilities, attention-deficit disorder, and English language learners who were also poor readers in a several multiple-probe-across-participants design (Jitendra, 2004). These children â€Å"showed improvement in passage fluency† (ibid) in Year 1 studies and â€Å"growth in reading, spelling, and comprehension for most children† (ibid) in Year 2 studies. Overall, both studies indicated â€Å"benefits of increased instructional intensity and duration for children who struggle with emerging reading skills† (ibid). Students with different primary language backgrounds also respond equally well as a study of 166 struggling readers who underwent phonologically based remediation showed (Lovett, 2008). They either had a reading disability, or were below average in oral or verbal skills besides having English either as a first language (EFL) or had an English language learner (ELL) status. After being randomly assigned to either a special education reading control program or one of three reading interventions, â€Å"the research based interventions proved superior to the special education control on both reading outcomes and rate of growth† (ibid). Moreover, there were no differences between children with EFL and ELL status. Thus, intervention is successful but student’s reading difficulties can have varying causes for which an individually tailored instructional strategy can help to better respond to the unique challenges of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

God and Dignity Essay Example for Free

God and Dignity Essay The researchers would like to dedicate this research paper to those people who have lost their ways and wander in darkness. We hope that even just a little bit, we are able to open your minds and touch your hearts. Always remember that no matter what happens, we will always be there for you and accept you. Acknowledgements The researchers would like to thank and acknowledge these guys and things for helping us in making us finish our research paper. Without these guys, we could have done nothing. Eljays would like to thank the following: Adobe, Google and Acer Laptops. Special thanks to my family and friends for the continuous support you had given to me. Hagi – chan would like to thank the following: Her Values Education book. Who would have even thought that you could be that helpful. My sister’s Val. Ed book and to my over we anime husbands for making me inspired. Title: Dignity: It’s Value Thesis Statement: â€Å"Dignity of a person doesn’t really matter due to temptations like money and lust but still, some people value it.† I. Introduction A. General Background What is dignity? We sometimes encounter this word, some might be familiar. But what is it? Can it be given importance? Can it be forgotten? Well those questions will depend on you, your actions and the way you bring yourself. Dignity means being respected for who you are and what you believe in. That’s something that can be done in both big and little ways. Like saying please or lending a helping hand are ways of showing dignity. Sharing your toys with others or making a donation to a charity are ways of showing dignity too. Just by being kind to others no matter who they are, what they look like and where they come from is a way to show dignity too. (Just by) Well, there are so many ways to show it like a cancer patient fighting against his illness to his death. Now, here’s the word â€Å"death†. Don’t you know dignity can be showed in death? Yes it is, it’s called Death With Dignity. In death with dignity, we all have experiences to share. There are our constituent’s personal stories of courage, pain, joy, fear, sadness and hope. Also, dignity is in women. Ah, yes. The dignity of a woman. Her most important thing that once take away, it will never com back. Just like all things that are lost will never return. It’s just that the â€Å"thing† in woman is just like time, gold and important. This thing is called virginity. Now, I’m very much sure that this word is very familiar to us, especially teenagers. With all the teenage pregnancy, sex trafficking and the porns how come that we wont know that dignity is lost in this field! Were not implying that once you’re not virgin, you don’t have your dignity. This case is totally not the concern for married women, engaged ladies and widows. But what about the girls, teenage girls. They’re young and fresh, so easy to be tempted. That’s why it’s important to know dignity, give its importance and value it for us to lea rn more and watch out. This is what our study’s all about. B. Statement of the problem The researchers would like to seek answers to the following questions: A. What are the possible ways to bring back the lost dignity? B. What are the effects/ impact if the person wreck his/her dignity? C. What’s in dignity that a person or every person should have? D. How can you convince others especially to those who doesn’t value their dignity to give importance to it? E. Which is far more better to die with dignity or to live without dignity? C. Significance of Study As we all know dignity is important as a person with feeling that can feel shame, guilt pain and anger. Our study mainly focuses on two things: death with dignity and living without dignity. Which is more better, which is preferred by others. This study is to wake up those youngsters out there to the things that they are doing which is not right. To right them from their wrongs, to bring light in their minds and to lead them to the right way. As a fellow teenager, we are the ones who can understand them better. Why! We talk the same way, dress the same way and behave the same way. So it’ll be much more better if were the ones to help them too. To let them understand things and no matter what happens, they’re always accepted. II. Body Every human being has the right to be treated with dignity. Dignity is the quality of being worth of respect. This means all of us, regarding of who we are or what we might have done, should be treated with respect. Its because of dignity that we are able to stand up and get to our feet. It’s the reason we feel good about ourselves and that we thought that others should respect us. Dignity comes from the Latin adjective (which means) â€Å"dignees† which means â€Å"worthy†. You see, our dignity makes us worthy for others. That’s why the higher, the more dignity a person has, the more likely he or she is respected and has great esteem to others. The dignity given to the human person allows him or her to manifest his or her worth, specifically, inner worth. God design for the human person is to posses and inherit self-worth and to be worthy of respect because he or she is a creation of God. By elevating his or her intellect to God and by fulfilling the precepts contained in the moral law through the exercise of his or her will, the human person earns greater worth and dignity. But no matter how hard a person tries to keep his or her dignity here are temptations all over us. Those things to keep his or her dignity, there are temptations all over us. Those things leads us to do evil. They tempted us and once we had done it, it’s hard to stop. And sometimes the evil we do can result in scandal. Scandal comes from the Latin word â€Å"scandalum† meaning a stone that causes people to trip over. If the sin you committed caused others to follow your example, then you are also guilty for their sins because you brought it about. God created the human person in his image and likeness. As the divine image the human person possesses intrinsic dignity. When the human person inherited the sin from Adam and Eve, sin also become part of human life. Doing wrong or cooperating in evil diminishes the dignity of the human person. It is like the thing that the bible stated at Genesis 2:16 – 17, â€Å"And the Lord God commanded to man, saying, ‘from any tree of the garden you may freely eat, but from the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it, you shall surely die’†. Ever since that we humans are capable of doing evil. Evil destroys dignity and there are bout hundreds of things to do it. No, probably thousands. Even a regular high school student can destroy his or her dignity. Fro example, a student rather an honor student was caught cheating on a major examination. What do you thing are the possible things that have happened to him or her? The teachers won’t believe in him or her anymore, people will start rumors and worst he or she might get detention or be expelled. Another example is that teenage girls being pregnant. Now that is a very big issue. Normally, people will look down on her and all her life will be covered in regret and shame but that depends on the person. It depends if she is a strong one or a weakling. Yes, we are created by God but we have different thoughts and personalities as well. We are unique in her own ways. Now, are these ways to bring back the lost dignity? Of Course not, just like things that are lost it will never turn. But, you can always have and make a new one. Something much more better than the previous one. But its not easy making new ones proving others that they are wrong and not every body is perfect. You feel regret and a little bit down. It’s like you wanna cry your whole life but every time you see your inspiration, that feeling disappears. It’s the reason why others still fights and currently living. They have that motivation to start a new life and set things right and currently living. They have that motivation to start a new life and set things right. Just believe in God above anything else. He writes the story of your life and he’s the one capable of ending it but then along the way he prepared trials and good things for you. As the saying goes at Philippians 4:13 â€Å"I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.† But then again, not all people have the guts to change things. Some preferred to stay in the darkness and lurk in the shadows. There are lots of effects if a person wreck his/ her dignity. One of these things is being a suicidal freak. They intend to end their life/ lives because they can’t endure no longer the pain, shame, guilt, anger and hatred. But what’s to get in killing yourself? What about those people who was always there for you and that you didnâ⠂¬â„¢t just realize? Won’t you feel sorry for them? Of course, there are lots of negative rumors about you. More people looking down and bullying you but then why don’t you speak up? Ignore those rumors for they’ll drag you down to despair. Let them talk all they want, stand up for yourself and let them see that even though something terrible has happened to you, you can still walk with your head held up high. People are so conscious about dignity especially the old ones. What’s in dignity really that every person should have? Simple, dignity is the source of you respect. If you want to be respected then protect your dignity. If you want to be respected, you have to give it in order to have it. It’s just like giving and receiving something much better in return. That’s how it goes. Remember the past where I stated that some people refuse to fight back and hide themselves in the shadows? Those people whose thoughts are field with negative effects, or things and that they might do more evil acts. They are one of those people who are spreading evil in this world. Examples of those people are drug addicts, sex addicts and so on. But then there are ways to convince those people. To snap out of them and make them realize that they are wrong. Most of theses people are teens, isn’t it a pity if we are not able to help them? We can still convince them from stopping them from doing evil things that can wreck their dignity. The best way, let them hear the world of the Lord our God. Just by hearing those words, they can realize and make things right once and for all. Their ill manners will change into good ones and they’ll be better persons. Lastly, if there is death in dignity, and there is living without dignity; which is more better, to die with dignity or to live without dignity? This question is bugging us for quite a while. Most of us, fear death that’s why we choose to live even under any circumstances. But what is living without dignity? Isn’t that hard? Those things depends in each one of us. It will be our decision in which will we choose. We are given the freedom to dot the things which we thought it’ll be best for us. But do remember, decide for the better outcome and don’t regret it later. There is nothing you can get for blaming yourself. III. Conclusion A. Summary In our body there are several important things that we have stated. The meaning of dignity, the effect of losing it and many more. There are so many temptations in this world like money, seduction and lust. Most that are tempted are the teenagers. Teenagers are young and they have much to learn. They believe in what they see and stand for it. Teenagers are young and they have much to learn. They believe in what they see and stand for it. Teenagers are like white cloth, it can be dyed with either good and evil. Those dyes are stains, hard to remove, hard to erase and even if it can be removed there are still marks left from it. Those marks can be a threat to our dignity by the greater threat is the dye. Whether you do the actual evil things or just cooperate with any of those acts, you still brought about the spread of evil in this world. You have not helped in making this world a better place to live in. Therefore, protect your dignity, value it, give importance to it. For your whole well being lies on it. B. Recommendation We recommend for you those elders to guide the young ones to the right path. To lead them to a brighter future. And for those who have lost their ways help them to get back and find the good tracks. Even if we lost once, it doesn’t mean we lost forever, let us fight back. We mustn’t stop nor step backwards instead we move forwards. People around you are there for you. Let’s help one another, don’t discourage instead give courage. Respect others, it builds foundation towards relationship. And ask God for help for he knows what to do.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Independence in Jane Eyre Essay -- Essays Papers

Jane Eyre Essayindependence Jane Eyre, a novel written by Charlotte Bronte, is about a young girl named Jane that struggles to discover her identity. Jane’s a girl who is â€Å"unhappy, very unhappy†(23). She grows up with relatives that treat her unfairly because her diseased family was not wealthy. Jane’s uncle Mr. Reed had reminded his wife and family to consider Jane as their own, but in contrast she experienced physical abuse by her aunt and cousin John. â€Å"John Reed knocked me down and my aunt shut me up in the red-room...†(23), the abuse that Jane experienced impacted her young soul, but also helped her grow into a stronger person. Unlike her cousins, Jane’s childhood was unpleasant because â€Å"...I have no father or mother, brothers or sister...†(23). Years later, Jane goes to Lowood institution where she succeeds and becomes a school teacher. From there, Jane meets Mr. Rochester who turns out to be the love of her life. Throughout the novel the readers se e a dependent girl transform into an independent young lady that overcomes all her tribulations. Charlotte Bronte allows us to trace Jane‘s character. While at Gateshead, Jane is a dependent young girl learning and yearning to be independent. Jane acknowledges that without Mrs. Reed’s assistance of financial issues and disciplinary actions, she wouldn’t be able to survive. â€Å"Benefactress!...They all called Mrs. Reed my benefactress;†, here Jane declares she knows who's responsible for raising her. Jane’s independency...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Everything for Sale

Everything for Sale by Robert Kuttner: A Summary [Insert full name here] [Insert institutional information here] Everything for Sale by Robert Kuttner: A Summary In his book, Robert Kuttner (1999) tries to shake the dominant orthodoxy of laissez-faire economics, which he sees as the â€Å"natural form of capitalism,† by attempting to â€Å"reclaim a defensible middle ground† between when the market is â€Å"best left alone† and when it â€Å"needs help† (p. 5). Kuttner’s chief premise is that a mixed economy is necessary for a society that is civil and decent, a society where the economy is in optimum health.For Kuttner, unfettered laissez-faire economy is in conflict with mixed economy, and that their opposition is essentially a struggle between the moderate but rational dissent — the call for a mixed economy — and the prevailing orthodoxy, or the desire to retain the economic status quo. He further maintains that a mixed economy is r ealistic precisely because there is virtually no escape from politics, especially in the economic landscape where the government can influence its course by adopting certain national economic policies.Kuttner readily accepts some notable contributions of the market system. For instance, he concedes that â€Å"[m]arkets accomplish much superbly,† and that â€Å"[t]hey offer consumers broad choices† (Kuttner, 1999, p. 11). Paraphrasing Adam Smith, Kuttner (1999) states that â€Å"the great paradox of the market is that the individual pursuit of self-interest aggregates to an efficient general good† (p. 11). He reaffirms the long-held belief that markets, when left alone, can lead to a vibrant economy.Yet, Kuttner eventually notes that the free market capitalist system is not entirely a rigid structure that has an aversion to changes. He believes that, â€Å"[f]or economies to operate efficiently, drastic change or abrupt disjuncture is the exception rather than t he rule† (Kuttner, 1999, p. 12). Thus, markets may accommodate new prices, whether higher or lower than the prevailing prices. Old businesses may go insolvent, and new businesses offering the same goods or services may take their stead.Through the introduction of changes, the market is able to correct itself. In his book, however, Kuttner proposes something else. Kuttner seeks to dispel the complement notions that government interventions in the market are never successful and that markets are self-correcting and can thus work on their own. To reclaim the so-called middle ground, Kuttner offers detailed examples of how previous government interventions in the market did in fact work. He also writes about the shortcomings of the market for healthcare, the labor market, and the financial markets.By providing those examples, he then reduces the theoretical clout of contemporary laissez-faire economics, which he then deploys to draw attention to his position in favor of mixed econ omy. Kuttner further combines these examples with the premise that there are many kinds of economic and social goods that the market simply cannot provide without failing in one significant way or another. For instance, transportation and communication infrastructures are often financed by the government in association with other private and political entities.Though the funds are not entirely from the government, it cannot be doubted that the government has its share and that it is through its political efforts that the infrastructure projects are realized. Thus, for Kuttner, without the participation of the government in the economy, no matter how limited, the country will hardly be having the social and economic goods it now enjoys today. Clearly, â€Å"markets are not perfectly self-correcting† for Kuttner (1999) and, as a necessary consequence, â€Å"the only check on their excesses must be extra-market institutions† (p. 62), which is short of saying that the chec k is the government itself. Kuttner lists several areas upon which excesses have been committed. For instance, he states that even the seemingly innocent frequent-flyer program is guilty of frustrating shopping around for travel services by other airline companies since this program is designed to entice people to â€Å"stick with a favored carrier in order to earn mileage credits† (p. 261). To curb this, Kuttner (1999) states that there must be a regulated airline competition where â€Å"[r]egulators could set a zone of tolerable prices, to reflect actual costs more nearly† (p. 68). Another example is the case of the electric power market where the subsequent technological innovations in the first three decades of the mass availability of electricity led to the situation where â€Å"real prices rose dramatically between 1930 and 1933,† except that the â€Å"introduction of public power and federal regulation in the mid-1930s† brought back the â€Å"virt uous pattern of declining prices, technical advances, and increasing usage† (Kuttner, 1999, p. 272).Even the environment is not spared from the failure of a free market. Kuttner observes that the laissez-faire system has encouraged more spewing of pollutants, the manufacture of dangerous products, and others. Through regulatory measures out of broad public-policy goals, Kuttner believes that markets will have no choice but to cut down their waste discharges. The discussion cites other examples in order to illustrate the fact that the free market oftentimes finds help from the federal government.Kuttner (1999) concludes his book with a restatement of how nations â€Å"have now experienced more than two decades of the celebration of markets and denigration of government† (p. 361). Instead of continuing such prevailing notion, he reasserts that â€Å"the case for the market is much more of a mixed case than its champions insist,† especially since markets have become increasingly impulsive in breaching what used to be the province of rights.For Kuttner, the more these markets try to penetrate the province of inalienable rights in their relentless pursuit of profit, the more constraints from the government are needed. Otherwise, the whole foundation upon which the free market capitalist system stands will likewise become endangered. Reference Kuttner, R. (1999). Everything for sale: The virtues and limits of markets. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Reshaping High Schools Essay

A bird is taught how to fly only when it is old enough and ready. If it is too young, the bird may be suspended in freefall until it lands and get hurt, or worse. If it is too old, it may be too late for the bird and it would be left behind by his peers. We could adopt this analogy to the reshaping of high schools. And as for the case of high school students, the 9th grade is when we should start to reshape high schools. It is said in the article that it is generally agreed that the first year of high school is a crucial stage for the students because of the adjustment they have to make and the achievements that are expected of them. As educators, we should be able to emphasize with the students that we should put ourselves in their shoes. They just new to a world of learning, teacher are with them to assist them in this new world, not to intimidate them. It is just logical that a high school institution should give more priority to the freshmen rather than the graduating seniors. Schools prioritize gradating students because these students would represent the school once they move to higher education. But if we start prioritizing the 9th graders, the graduates of high schools would have received four years of good education. And of course, to achieve this requires much change in the high school education system. And as we know of change, it oftentimes raises some eyebrows. It is very important for us educators to keep in mind and at heart that it is never about us, education should be always about them. And for that very reason, I agree with Donegan’s article. We should prioritize and provide more for the 9th graders. If we would practice our vocation more altruistically regarding this matter, if we would start caring for the 9th grade more, our students would say that they are getting the best high school education there is.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Rape1 essays

Rape1 essays It was a stormy, pitch black night. A strange man breaks into a womans apartment by sliding open an unlocked window. He threatens the womans life as she kicks and screams with terror. He rapes her, and then leaves. After work a husband comes home and insists that his wife performs oral sex. When she denies him of his request; he tightly grabs her shoulder and pushes her to her knees. He then unzips his pants and forces her to perform oral sex. A couple is out on a date, when the man pulls off to the side of a country road. The couple begins to make out in the back seat of the car. The man proceeds to pull off both his and her pants as she says I dont want to have sex, he ignores what she has said All of these scenarios are considered rape in California. In this paper I will address a feminist perspective of rape, and rape prevention. Rape was viewed, prior to the 20th century, as a crime against the father or husband of the raped women, rather than a crime against the women herself. These women would not be allowed to marry into respectable families, and would often stay single remaining the economic liability of the father. These women would have no value in society; a womens value within society was based on her ability to marry and produce legitimate heirs [Odem, Clay-Warner (1998), p. 36]. Rape was also viewed as the womens fault. Women were considered to be depraved or a fallen woman if she engaged in sexual intercourse before she was married, even if it was against her will. The women was blamed for the mans crime and was socially stigmatized as a result of the attack. There are many stereotypes of rape victims such as: the women asked for it, when a women says no she really means yes, women can resist rape if they want to, a...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Act 3, Scene 4 provides a great opportunity for visual spectical Essay Example for Free (#3)

Act 3, Scene 4 provides a great opportunity for visual spectical Essay Macbeth (632) , Drama (623) , Fleance (115) Haven't found the essay you want? Get your custom sample essay for only $13.90/page ? Act 3, Scene 4 provides a great opportunity for visual spectical. Discuss how â€Å"The Banquet Scene† has been realised on screen and consider the effectiveness of its portrayal. Shakespeare was born in 1564 when Elizabeth the First was Queen of England. Shakespeare did not go to university when he left school; instead, he worked. He married Anne Hathway when he was eighteen and she became the mother of his daughter, Susanna, and also of twins. Although there are many public documents concerned with his career as a writer and a businessman, Shakespeare has hidden his personal life from us. A nineteenth century poet, Matthew Arnold, addressed Shakespeare in a poem and wrote: â€Å"We ask and ask – Thou smilest, and art still†. There is not even a portrait of the world’s greatest Dramatist. I am going to look at the banquet scene, in my opinion, one of the most important scenes in â€Å"Macbeth†; it shows many sides to both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The scene opens with the couple welcoming all the guests to their Banquet, the atmosphere is warm and jolly, and everyone is joking and enjoying themselves. The atmosphere becomes more sombre when one of Banquo’s murderers arrives with news for Macbeth. Although Banquo is â€Å"safe†, Fleance on the other hand has † ‘scap’d â€Å". Macbeth tries to â€Å"Act like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t† in front of his guests, but this does not last for long, the guilt gets the better of Macbeth and causes him to hallucinate. The Lords were all very confused, and so, Lady Macbeth tries to cover-up for her husband by telling them all that Macbeth suffers from an illness, which causes him to behave in such a manner. â€Å"Sit, worthy friends – My Lord is often thus, and hath been from his youth†. â€Å"The fit is momentary – upon a thought he will be well again†. The two productions I am going to look at are Roman Polanski’s 1971 Production along with Gregory Doran RSC production. In Gregory Doran’s production, Macbeth’s house resembles a prison. The front foyer is very bare, with lots of different entrances: this is trying to show us that Macbeth is imprisoned in his world of guilt. Macbeth is dressed as a soldier, which gives me the impression he is at war, maybe Doran is trying to put across the fact that Macbeth is trying to fight against all of the evil. Roman Polanski dressed Macbeth in beautiful robes; Macbeth is also wearing his crown. This makes me think Macbeth is in total control of everything. Both producers hold the Banquet in a large, dull, cold room, this symbolises the fact that Macbeth has nowhere to hide; it also creates a tense atmosphere. In Polanski’s production, Macbeth sees Banquo and he goes mad! â€Å"Avaunt! And quit my sight! Let the earth hide thee!† He continues to rant and rave at this ghost of Banquo, whom only Macbeth can see. He frightens and startles not only the lords, but also Lady Macbeth. We know this by the look of worry on her face. She then pulls her husband aside to try and help him see sense. He sees what she is trying to say and returns to normality, but this only lasts for a matter of moments, and then Macbeth resumes to his fit of madness again. Macbeth is gradually loosing control. While Macbeth moves back, Banquo continues to advance. As both men keep moving, the camera becomes Banquo. We see high angle shot of Macbeth; it seems as though Banquo is looking down upon Macbeth and that he is now the one in control. Lady Macbeth tries to make excuses for her husband’s behaviour by saying â€Å"Sit worthy friends: My lord is often thus, and hath been from his youth: pray you, keep seat: the fit is momentary: upon a thought he will be well again†. We then see a long shot of the lords at the table; they all look very puzzled and confused. By this time, Macbeth is in a corner, on the ground with Banquo towering over him, he moves in closer and closer, then Banquo is cut, and Macbeth is left sitting on the ground, a trembling wreck. Gregory Doran’s RSC Production is very similar to Polanski’s. He also shows Macbeth being overpowered by Banquo. When Lady Macbeth pulls Macbeth aside to try and snap him out of his â€Å"fit†, he is unable to look her in the eye, he keeps watching the ghost of Banquo. He realises what his wife is trying to say, and so he returns to his normal self again. The way that Macbeth is changing personalities so suddenly in this scene reminds me of a schizophrenic, it’s almost as though he has some kind of mental disorder. Macbeth tries to laugh it off and composes himself. However, this only lasts for a moment. When Macbeth sees Banquo again, he drops his chalice, and the white wine spills onto the floor. This is an interesting observation because all the other products I watched used red wine, a sign of evil and danger, but white reminds me of innocence. Maybe Gregory Doran feels that Macbeth was innocent and this is why he uses white wine rather than red. He may feel it was the witches, or maybe Lady Macbeth’s influence that encouraged him to do all those evil things. Personally, I feel it was Lady Macbeth that caused him to go through with Duncan’s murder, but yet again, how many could be talked into murder without desiring it themselves? Act 3, Scene 4 provides a great opportunity for visual spectical. (2017, Oct 14).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Personal Development and Careers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

Personal Development and Careers - Assignment Example This is as it should be. Knowledge for the sake of knowledge is useless; it is the application of knowledge to everyday situations after sizing them up in an intelligent manner is what should be the objective of learning. The result of learning should be the outcomes it produces in the real world. The Relationship between Learning and Development From the above, it is clear that book knowledge is not what we are after, rather the knowledge that we get from books should be applied to real world problems connected to that branch of knowledge so that solutions are made possible. Experience is the result of having applied that knowledge in a certain way and seeing the outcome. If by a process of trial and error, we can eliminate what does not work and distill that which does, we have reached the path of self development. For learning is a path to self development. The knowledge translated into skill resides in the mind and body of man- it becomes an inseparable part of him. This is how t he continual development of skills leads to personal development. Discussion of a Learning Theory: Kolb’s Learning Circle When it comes to theories of learning, there has been a lot of work produced by different authors and thinkers over the ages. However I regard the work of David A. Kolb and his Learning Circle to be a good explanation of what occurs during the process of learning. It is a good expose into the way we learn. Kolb outlined his theory in a book called ‘Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development’ published in 1984. Kolb’s Learning Circle (developed in coordination with Roger Fry) consists of four steps: (1) concrete experience (2) concrete and abstract experience (3) forming abstract concepts and (4) applying to new situations. According to Kolb, humans basically learn to understand and process two different types of information- concrete and abstract. Our learning vocabulary is therefore filled with either C oncrete Experience or Abstract Conceptualization. Kolb maintains that following a learning session, if we want to capitalize on it, we convert our experience into either Reflective Observation or Active Experimentation. Kolb’s model indicates that we could use all four of these approaches in a learning experience, depending upon the situation we are confronted with. Over time however, Kolb maintains that individuals tend to prefer one experience grasping approach and one experience transforming approach. Kolb has mentioned four learning styles and these are to be regarded as created by the learner during the process of learning. The four styles are (1) Converger (2) Diverger (3) Assimilator and (4) Accommodator (Kolb, 1984). Convergers are characterized by abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. They are good at making practical applications of ideas and using deductive reasoning to solve problems. According to Kolb, divergers are geared toward getting concrete experiences and making reflective observations. Divergers are also imaginative and will be good at coming up with ideas or in seeing things from different perspectives. Most of our theorists and social thinkers would fit in this category (Houle, 1980). Kolb writes that assimilators can be singled out by their preference for abstract