Saturday, January 25, 2020
Comparison of HIIT Exercise and Cycling
Comparison of HIIT Exercise and Cycling State the research question being studied by the authors. Write a brief overview of the research topic by explaining the purpose of the study, the purpose of the problem being studied, and the results and conclusions. The purpose of this study was to explore physiological effects for a duration of eight weeks of regular physical activity in gym classes while doing either high intensity interval exercise or continuous moderate exercise on a bicycle. While the effects of high intensity interval exercise (HIIE) was researched in athletic populations, studies analyzing the effects of such interval workouts once per week in sedentary individuals while they also performed regular cardiorespiratory physical activity was uncommon. The results of this study were significant in finding that continuous moderate exercise when cycling improved body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in collegiate aged females who also participated in physical education classes. Cardiorespiratory fitness, measured by assessing maximum oxygen untake (VO2 Max), also improved in collegiate aged females during HIIE while cycling. Based on the results of this study, it was concluded that female students in college could benef it from continuous moderate exercise (CME) training, when spin cycling. As the obesity epidemic and chronic disorders continue, which occurred due to a lack of physical activity, it was clear that the purpose of this study was to provide evidence to decrease the problems resulting from bad physical activity patterns. State the null and research hypotheses based upon the type of research design and statistics used in the study. The research hypothesis was that regular physical fitness classes complemented with HIIE were more effective in improving body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in college aged females than CME. The null hypothesis would be that there was no relationship between the type of exercise and body composition or cardiorespiratory fitness in collegiate aged females. State the independent, dependent and potentially confounding variables (if any) in the study. The independent variables were HIIE and CME. The dependent variables were body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness. Confounding variables were gender, age, and prior physical activity. Describe the methods section in its entirety to test the null (describe the participants, instrument, procedures, and analysis). Forty-eight college aged females from a university in Poland participated in the study. While the students were not considered athletes, they had enrolled in a gym class that required them to exercise regularly for 45 minutes at a time twice a week. Measurements of body mass were taken to the nearest tenth of a kilogram. Body height was measured to the nearest centimeter. Body composition was calculated through body mass index after analyzing the fat mass and fat-free mass using a stand-on hand-to-foot analyzer with eight electrodes connecting the body without skin-to-skin contact. Waist and hip circumference were taken by one skilled exercise physiology expert to the nearest tenth of a centimeter. Each subject was placed in a random group. Twenty-four were performing HIIE. The other 24 participants were performing CME. Each session lasted 63 minutes over an eight-week period while being under the supervision of the trained exercise physiology specialist. The cycling program was done using a mechanically braked cycle ergometer so that the resistance of the cycle could be altered given the results from a heart rate monitor. Each training session started with a five-minute warm-up. The HIIE program required subjects to have two sessions of six sets of ten second sprints during each intervention. In between the ten second sprints were a one minute active recovery period with the subject pedaling to a speed so their heart rate was about 75% of their maximum heart rate. The CME program required subjects to pedal at a speed so they had a consistent heart rate of 75%. A ten-minute cool-down was also a part of both programs. VO2 Max was estimated using the Astrand-Rhyming nomogram at steady heart rate and heavy work load and the cycle ergometer test. Heart rate was assessed with a monitor and adjusted accordingly throughout the test. The aerobic capacity test started with a one W/kg load and continued until a heart rate was obtained between 135-150 beats per minute. Th e anaerobic test (AnT) was done on a mechanically braked cycle ergometer. After the five-minute warm-up, as previously discussed, and after a five-minute rest, the AnT started using a load of 7.5% of the subjects body mass. With positive, verbal encouragement, the participants were instructed to progress to their maximum pedaling rate while cycling their fastest for a ten second period. After a period of maintaining a speed where the heart rate was 75% of the maximum heart rate for one minute, the participant was encouraged five more times to pedal their maximum speed while maintaining the appropriate heart rate after each time. To begin the analysis, body mass and height were similar within both groups before the testing. A two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) was utilized to find results. Body composition results revealed fat mass decreased after the programs were completed. However, a larger increase in fat free mass was observed in the CME intervention compared to the HIIE in tervention. The findings were significant. As far as analyzing aerobic and anaerobic capacity, VO2 max, as well as power output and total work, presented a significant time effect of the program which resulted in improvement from both programs although power output was more improved in the HIIE subjects than the subjects who performed CME. Discuss and describe at least three ways to check for validity of findings. Content validity was a way to accurately assess what is being measured while using different aspects (Nelson, Silverman, Thomas, 2015). During the assessments of this study, a way content validity was checked throughout the study was by having an expert exercise physiologist measure each subject under supervision. To improve the content validity, another expert in the exercise physiology field should perform another similar assessment. Another way to check content validity was using the same formula to determine maximum heart rate. Construct validity was based on if the testing measures what was supposed to be assessed (Nelson et al., 2015). Since the research was done with female subjects in college, construct validity can be checked in the findings. The only difference with construct validity in this research was that only 48 females participated in the process. Based off those 48 females, the results generalize to college aged, female population. If a different group of female college students participated in the same study, the construct validity would improve. Criterion validity, in this research, was how well the type of exercise relates to body composition or cardiorespiratory fitness. Therefore, a way to check the validity of HIIE cycling would be comparing it to HIIE training using a different type of aerobic and anaerobic capacity. Discuss and describe at least five ways to check for reliability of findings. One of the ways to check reliability of these findings was using the test-retest reliability. To do so, all 48 participants in this study would be required to participate in an additional study performing the same tests using the same methods. Another way to check the reliability of findings is having multiple experts of exercise physiology assess and take measurements of the same subjects who performed during the study. Parallel forms reliability was another way to test the consistency of the findings. The subjects who performed the HIIE cycling should perform the CME while cycling so measurements can be taken. On the contrary, the subjects who performed the CME while cycling should perform the HIIE cycling. Subjects then can be evaluated to see if similar results occur. Internal consistency reliability was also a way to check for reliability of findings. Since the study was measured by one exercise physiologist with expertise in administering and measuring data from both cycling tests, including the positioning of the heart rate monitor or applying the correct resistance with the appropriate exercise program, the test has high internal consistency reliability (Henson, 2001, p. 177). The quality of the administrative procedure also affected the reliability of the study. During the study, participants were encouraged to participate using their best effort throughout the duration of the program testing. Keeping a consistent background with the correct explanation and process of testing, such as starting everyone with a five-minute warm-up and finishing with the appropriate cool down, was important for reliability purposes (Miller, 2006, p. 70). Describe methodology decisions that should reduce risk of Type I OR Type II errors in the study. One of the limitations of the research was not controlling the physical activity outside of the physical education classes and the HIIE or CME by cycling. Not controlling physical activity outside of the study could have influenced results if students performed extra physical activity. On the other end of the spectrum was calorie consumption which also was not strictly maintained. To reduce a type I error, which would provide false positive results, limiting physical activity outside of those parameters could provide more valid and reliable results because subjects reduce any number of excess calories burned outside of the study. Limiting the number of calories consumed per day throughout the duration of the study would also reduce the risk of a type I error. References Henson, R. K. (2001). Understanding internal consistency reliability estimates: A conceptual primer on coefficient alpha. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 34(3), 177. Mazurek, K., Zmijewski, P., Krawczyk, K., Czajkowska, A., Keska, A., Kapuscinski, P., Mazurek, T. (2016). High intensity interval and moderate continuous cycle training in a physical education programme improves health-related fitness in young females. Biology of Sport, 33(2), 139-144. Miller, D. K. (2006). Measurement by the physical educator: Why and how (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Nelson, J. K., Silverman, S. J., Thomas, J. R. (2015). Research methods in physical activity(7th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Friday, January 17, 2020
American Aid Policy
The United States is the leading developed nation in foreign aid that considers both the interest of its own citizens and industries and those of beneficiary countries. Billions of people all over the world have benefited and appreciated the role of United States in both foreign and food aid. This research paper looks deeply into the overall effectiveness of US foreign aid policy, the need to effect any changes in policy framework or continue to handle affairs in their current form and finally examine the need to increase or decrease the amount in foreign aid.Aid and Millennium Development Goals The achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in third world countries and specifically the African continent cannot be realized when foreign aid to these nations is not fully availed. Human development has been ignored by international donor community notably the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, instead putting more focus on biased economic parameters. Poverty levels in these nations thus cannot be eradicated. Africa alone needs a total of 72 billion dollars in foreign aid per year to achieve its Millennium Development Goals by 2015.This is meager fraction in comparison to the $ 362 billion in subsidiaries developed countries paid to its home based agricultural sectors in 2006. Commitment by developed countries to increase amounts in foreign aid to 0. 7% of their national income has not been realized (Marr, Gunatilaka & Killick, 1998). United States has faired poorly in its rating with only 0. 16% and appears at the bottom of the list. Eradicating poverty and improving human life demand increase in foreign aid to developing nations and failure to honor these commitments means that the present status in terms of poverty levels will remain for a long time.Effectiveness of Foreign Aid The close relationship that exists between foreign aid effectiveness and conditions attached to it has always been a thorny issue. Important development agendas such as the balancing of existing relationship between recipient and donor, considering first support to priorities sectors by the government, deter cases of aid programmes duplications and providing means for undertaking transparency assessment on aid performance are factors that must be put into consideration to ensure aid effectiveness.Furthermore, donor support harmonization in aid programmes that undertake development projects in more than one country demands mutual accountability. Direct budget subsidy contributed by donor countries which still stands at 5% of aid given to developing nations should be viewed by the recipient countries as domestic; hence, implemented vividly on development agendas rather than being accountable to the donors.Though this may be the best way of implementing aid as it create an opportunity for strong economic principles and political willingness to avoid bureaucracy, donors do not yet willing to adopt this model because of their institutionalized channel o f aid flow which do onto conform with the developing countries political structures. In essence, increased direct budget support by donors and good government structure of the recipient countries will increase aid effectiveness (Guillaumont & Chauvet, 2001)Need For Change in Aid Policy Critics have always advocated for foreign aid policy reforms. While United States foreign programme has noted high levels of success, it cannot be without a list of problems. The original aim of American aid policy was to generate and improve its economic sub-sectors such as the shipping industry, dump surpluses and promote trade. A clear example is the food aid policy in which food aid is no longer about providing a meal for the hungry but takes care of a multitude of objectives.A half of every dollar spent on food aid goes into the related costs such as processing and shipping. This reveals that policy changes must be put in place to make food aid perform to its fullest. This is because the current food aid policy strives to accomplish very many objectives, most of which are obsolete. It takes a very long time to transport food from a farmer to its final destination and at times this period takes up to five months. Such delay in delivery leads to added costs such as insurance and crew wages.Furthermore delay is the delivery in food aid cost lives in disaster situations. Money should be used to purchase food closer to their destination and reduce costs of transportation. A drastic shift must be made towards of food aid procuring, with purchase in the beneficiary nation and in the United States. Purchasing goods in countries closer to the beneficiary nations would strengthen agricultural market in these nations (Hansen & Tarp, 2000). The main objective here is local procurement of goods, not aid with conditions.America must move away from tied aid to make its foreign aid policy effective. The global economic crisis has led to questions about the general effectiveness of foreign aid. Questions as to how aid can be sustained continuously in times of economic recessions must be answered to achieve high performance. At the moment, American legislation demands that 50% of aid commodities must be processed and packed at home before shipment. Furthermore, 75% of food aid is managed by the USAID and 50% is under the management of US department of agriculture (Guillaumont & Chauvet, 2001).These commodities must be shipped in vessels flying US flags. Such conditions must be constantly reviewed to do away with long procedures of aid handling and delivery. While there are efforts to reform the aid policy, it is expected to take time before full effectiveness is achieved. The 1961 Foreign Assistance Act and the Farm Bill under President George Bush are some efforts to restructure United States foreign aid policy. An examination into different types of foreign aid reveals a complex scenario on how effective its overall objectives are.The reconstruction of countries reel ing from effects of war such as Iraq and Afghanistan are always controversial in nature. Given the overlap in time due to security related issues, it is almost impossible to accurately determine how much and to what level of effectiveness these aid constitute (Dalgaard & Hansen, 2007). Another area that requires total change is the technical cooperation. This is poorly defined due to its ambiguity and thus hard to measure. They are always under criticism due to the huge amounts involved but often not properly accounted for.Technical cooperation always means transfer of skills and knowledge from the donor country to the beneficiary country but always become controversial when they involve military aid assistance such as generous packages to Israel and Egypt. The so-called aid for national interest always attracts huge aid packages than moral areas such as poverty and disease alleviation. Pakistan is a major recipient of United States aid due to its influence and geographical location with Afghanistan and receives this foreign aid to maintain stability and peace in the region. America must do away with some aid conditionality.The imbalance in aid contracts creates conditions which translate into donor demands for change in social, political and economic affairs (Burns, 1984). One of the most absurd conditions from the western donors is the system of state control over all sectors of the economy. The demand for democratic states and good governance, free and fair elections, constitute to some of these conditions. Considering achievement of these conditions a yardstick to receiving foreign aid undermines its role and objects and thus makes it a political tool to control affairs of other countries.Reforms must be made on how aid is channeled to the beneficiary countries. Multilateral aid is always channeled through World Bank and other regional development banks while bilateral aid is paid direct to the beneficiary countries (Miyashita, 2003). Multilateral aid has so far recorded greater success than bilateral aid since it is not selective and undertakes its programmes on neutral basis. These aids are in the form of grants that ensure maximum utilization for the set objectives. Reforming policies in these sectors to ensure maximum transparency and reduce levels of political interference would definitely improve its performance.Conclusion Bilateral aid must not be used to hood-wink political leaders. It is obvious that some developing countries whose economic performances are poor depend mainly on foreign aid to support their programmes. Application of selective strategies and tough conditions driven by greed to control the smaller nations will eventually render the foreign aid ineffective. The way to go in improving the performance is forging a close alliance with the beneficiaries and improving levels of transparency (Toye, Harrigan & Mosley, 1995).The handling of foreign food must take into consideration the overall improvement of agricultu re and provision of close markets for agricultural markets to regions close to the beneficiary country. Foreign aid must therefore seek to improve the level of human development. References: Burns, W. J. , (1984), Economic Aid and American Policy towards Egypt. Sunny Press Dalgaard, C. J. & Hansen, H. , (2007), On Aid, Growth and Good Policies, The Journal of Development Studies, Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 37(6), 17-41. Guillaumont, P. & Chauvet, L., (2001), Aid and Performance: A Reassessment, The Journal of Development Studies, Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 37(6), pages 66-92 Hansen, H. & Tarp, F. , (2000), Aid effectiveness disputed, Journal of International Development, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. , vol. 12(3), pages 375-398. Marr, A. , Gunatilaka, R. & Killick, T. , (1998), Aid and the Political Economy of policy change, Routledge. Miyashita, A. (2003), Limits to Power: Asymmetric dependence and Japanese foreign aid policy, Lexington Books. Toye, J. F. Y, Harrigan, J. J. & Mosley, P. (1995), Aid and power; The World Bank and Policyââ¬âBased Lending, Routledge.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Influence of Ethical Issues on Information Technology...
The Influence of Ethical Issues on Information Technology Usage Use of computers poses a new challenge for privacy. Privacy is a state of mind, specific place freedom from intrusion or control over the exposure of self of personal information (Czar, 2013). In this day and age, many new rules come into play on how to protect the privacy of the patient. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the importance of ethical use and the unethical issues faced with the use of technology, as well as the impact of specific and a broad range legislation on information technology. Importance of ethical, legal, and regulatory issues and information technology In nursing informatics, ethical principles play a prime role in our day to day patientâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Another principle that plays an important role in nursing informatics is Fidelity. Fidelity requires loyalty, fairness, truthfulness, advocacy, and dedication to our patients. It involves an agreement to keep our promises. Fidelity refers to the concept of keeping a commitment and is based upon the virtue of caring (, 2013). Fidelity is a key component when it comes to maintain the patientââ¬â¢s confidentiality. If a patient requests that her medical condition be kept private it is the nurses duty to keep his/her informational confidential by not allowing electronic charting or emailing be seen by unauthorized personnel. Nurses have a duty of promoting patient welfare, and fidelity is one of the key principles to maintain it. Ethical issues and using information systems in nursing There are several unethical information or data security issues that present obstacles to using electronic or computerized information technology, but one that I believe could be the greatest obstacle is the use of email. Institutions are not supposed to email sensitive protected personal information. Often times patientââ¬â¢s names, medical record numbers, diagnoses or personal information about a patientââ¬â¢s mental illness are sent via email. Email is a vulnerable system in that it can be hacked, is subject to viruses or other malicious software. There are people who deliberately attempt to steal information. Everyone has a right to privacy. WeShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Information Technology On Society And Cultures1484 Words à |à 6 Pageswas limited by information technology advancements. Conversely, in the present time, information technology can be considered a part of every educational institutions, business, and even personal activity. This paper stands to giv e light to the growing influence of the information technology field and whether the development of a code of ethics would be advisable to focus on the challenges in the usage of information technology. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Relationship Between A Parent And Child Relationship
Throughout history human behavior has held a continuing fascination for artists of all kinds. The way in which human beings relate to one another has been a source of inspiration to painters, sculptors, authors, composers, playwrights, filmmakers and photographers alike. Relationships between people vary from the everyday dynamics and the significance in which they value one another and each connection between those relationships makes a different impact on the one of someone else. There are many relationships people form throughout their lives, for instance the primary relationships at the start of their lives, between parent and child, and siblings, which start in the home. A relationship between a parent and child has a special unspoken bond in which they share indescribable love, never ending care and affection for each other, as the parent is the only depended and reliable thing they have. A good parent and child relationship can teach a child how to form other bonds with mutual respect and admiration, such as friendships further on in life. As people grow and develop, they form secondary connections such as friendships and intimate relationships. Friendships are predominantly built on trust, even as young children. Interaction with peers helps to strengthen character and introduces a sense of belonging with others rather than family. Children are naturally trusting, which means they form bonds with one another instinctively. As they get older and gain knowledge,Show MoreRelatedRelationship Between The Child And Parent952 Words à |à 4 PagesIntroduction In the two presented books, the main theme outlined in both texts is the theme of relationship between the child and parent. Chinua Achebe in his book, Marriage is a Private Affair developed this theme in the marriage perception outlining the conflict which occurred between a father and his son (Achebe 22). 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